Friday, August 5, 2011

Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...

I Loved Shae's Things I know - My Mentally Sexy husband Edition you really should go have a read and link up what you know :o)

This week I know:

* This week has been so huge, including today that I almost thought I wouldn't get to attend one of my fave bloggy link-ups! But I'm here :o)

* This beautiful weather has been such a lovely sneak preview of Spring , my kids and I are loving it!! I know some of you have yet to experience this warmer change, and I hope it is headed your way real soon!

* A Funeral and the Celebration of a life lived and lost is a sad but amazing way to find some much needed perspective on life. I am grateful for the wisdom I took away from my Uncles Funeral this week.

* At times it feels as a Mum you can never win or keep everyone happy, but truthfully it doesn't take much to make a child smile and feel loved & special. The way my kiddies faces light up when I arrive to volunteer or watch them perform at their school makes my heart sing. I am amazed how one simple act from me can hold so much pride and happiness from them.

* It also doesn't take much to make another child happy or feel special. This week helping out the Kindy's at the Athletics Carnival was such an amazing experience. I know that not all Mums and Dads have the leisure of making it to these events and wish they could, and I know how hard it can be on a kid to not have them there. It didn't take much to extend myself to these kids, to cheer them on, give them Hi-5's and even a hug when they needed it. Seeing these little cuties having a go and looking over to see if I'm watching, and then watching their faces glow when they saw my smiles and encouragement filled my heart with so much warmth. I definitely took away much more than I gave :o)

* It is amazing how much love, joy and happiness can fill your life when you remove the negativity and the people who weigh you down. Everyone deserves to be loved, treated with respect and without judgement, and we shouldn't be made to feel guilty for wanting to be treated so. Many doors are waiting to be opened, and I am enjoying those that are opening in my life. I truly am surrounded by wonderful people and opportunities :o)

I love hearing what you all know, Have a wonderful weekend xox
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