Friday, May 20, 2011

Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...

I am participating in Yay for Home's Link in of.... Things I know!!

Things I know this week:

* It is almost a certainty that as my besties family recover from an illness my little family will fall ill with one - meaning we don't see each other for several weeks :(

* I am very, very lucky to have a Hubby as sweet and supportive as Woodi!

* I never want to forget or take for granted the above statement!!

* Woodi and I are to have yet another Anniversary with no money to do something nice together or splurge on gifts.... but after 6 years we are still together <3

* Mumma having to leave her canteen duties because she is not well, will result in crying and very upset girls when they get home :o(

* One cream lamington is NEVER enough....

* I need to get my camera out and start taking more photos of my family

* No matter how much I doubt and question my parenting abilities, there will always be something that shows me just how good I'm doing and how so much worse it could be.

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