Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daisy, Roo & Two: One Lovely Blog :o)

One Lovely Blog Award

Wow!!! I am absolutely stoked and almost... almost speechless!!

 I want to say a huge Thank you to Daisy from  Daisy, Roo & Two for awarding me my 1st ever blog award!! I am so glad I found Daisy on her lovely blog (Twitter, Instagram & Facebook lol), we have a lot in common & she is an amazing and 'real' writer with interesting and heartfelt posts. Please go visit her blog with lovely posts and fabulous photos of her beautiful girl Roo & Two sweet boys!!

Now the hard part... 7 Fun facts about me..... eeek!

The four people in the world most likely to drive me nuts, make my hair go grey, drive me to tears and have me whining and moaning like a Moodi Mumma.........ARE the very reason for my existence, the light in my day, the smile on my face and my inspiration to be and do better

 My heart, my soul, my world <3

2 I giggle at odd times... when I'm over-tired -  for days on end when I found out I was having twins - when I'm nervous or scared about someones reaction to something,
 ie Whilst dating, Woodi & his Twin Brother were wrestling in his bedroom. Woodi picked his twin up and kind of, sort of, by accident... but not quite, threw his brother into the wall, leaving a back sized hole! Woodi told MIL she better come look at the 'little' hole they had made, I was nervously giggling like a school girl. Turns out she was more pissed of at my 'laughing' than the hole in the wall :oS

3 I am and have forever been in awe and love with faeries and magic. I am often described as being in my own little world or off with the faeries.... and honestly what better place to be when your not really here?? I love images of faeries from the cute, sweet and innocent, to the dark, secretive and seductive. My fave fairy artist is Amy Brown, here is some of her work:

I'm obsessed, it was soooo very hard not to add them all! Images from www.amybrownart.com

4 If I were financial I would be covered in tattoos, I'm not a lover of being overly tattoo clad, but I love individual tattoos of meaning and have around 7 works I am desperately eager to have on my body.

5 I love Mexican food, Woodi proposed to me on my 21st Birthday at my fave Mexican Restaurant on the Gold Coast..... mmmm Mexican

6 I am still such a teenager at heart, loving teen books and movies and memories

7 Despite the above I feel old preferring my Flannel PJ's, cups of tea & bed-socks to getting dressed up and having a night on the town or having a backyard party in the cold

Now I get to pass on the lovely gift to 5 Lovely Bloggers:

A little Green Blog of Calm - A new blog but so lovely
Wild Hope - I'm only new to visiting this blog, but am looking forward to reading more
Butterflies and Breezes - a lovely down to earth blog
Bogue Living - funny, real, down to earth
Life As Mummy Max - My besties new blog site, previously Daddy Mummy and Kiddie Max

Thank you Daisy for the award and the experience :o)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Nit picking

Nothing like waking up a little late, rushing around getting the kids fed and organised for school, make the lunches, pack the bags, do one hair and then...... brushing Moo's hair I find the dreaded eggs!!

Bloody head lice!!

Teeny tiny eggs..... her hair riddled with them :o(

And so it begins... I have to get the kids to get undressed, unpack their school, get into home clothes and pack their crap away while I call the school and inform our neighbors.

As if the nits alone aren't enough in a family with 3 young girls, I have the joys of stripping the beds the only sets of flannelette sheets we own and have the mission of trying to wash and get them dried whilst it is raining and our dryer is on the blink..... freaking awesome NOT! With teeth clenched I strip the freakin beds and try to ignore the overflowing washing baskets as i stuff the linen in the machine and pray I can get it dried. Trying to ignore the huge ass basket of washing that needs folding....

 and get down to the nitty gritty! Armed with a bottle of KP and a nit comb I make my way through Moo's hair... I douse her, let it sit, rinse her then attempt to comb the eggs out..... BUT

Super fine hair + Teeny tiny eggs = nit comb not working
resulting in me having to go through strand by strand removing eggs by hand - shoot me now!!

Thankful for small mercies, Loo & Boo didn't have the dreaded "eggs" but I decided to douse and comb Boo just in case and settled for rubbing some eucalyptus oil through Loo's hair as a preventative measure.

So with the girls having rest time, you'd think I'd be folding that washing.... but instead I'm blogging and scratching my head in nit-paranoia!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...Thanks to Kate says stuff :o)

Things I know this week:

* I have Cervical Stemnosis and am in a fair amount of pain & need to have a mini op on Wednesday

* I have retreated into my own little world this week and have neglected blogger, Facebook & Twitter - most likely because of the above.

* I'm fortunate my hubby could have a couple of days off work to take care of me and the kiddies.

* My kiddies are loving and caring and are very sweet when they see their Mumma crying or upset <3 <3 <3

* You have to be very careful with the people you introduce your family to.... some people have weird stalker tendencies :os

* I have been struck by a huge dose of restlessness..... need to put my finger on why??

* I want soooo many lovely and wonderful things but have to remember that I am very blessed to have the wonderful things that many others don't have.

Link up and share what you know this week!
1. Leah - Bogue Living  2. Marita @ Stuff With Thing  

  (Submissions close in 7d 7h 25m)
Link tool by inlinkz.com

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...

I am participating in Yay for Home's Link in of.... Things I know!!

Things I know this week:

* It is almost a certainty that as my besties family recover from an illness my little family will fall ill with one - meaning we don't see each other for several weeks :(

* I am very, very lucky to have a Hubby as sweet and supportive as Woodi!

* I never want to forget or take for granted the above statement!!

* Woodi and I are to have yet another Anniversary with no money to do something nice together or splurge on gifts.... but after 6 years we are still together <3

* Mumma having to leave her canteen duties because she is not well, will result in crying and very upset girls when they get home :o(

* One cream lamington is NEVER enough....

* I need to get my camera out and start taking more photos of my family

* No matter how much I doubt and question my parenting abilities, there will always be something that shows me just how good I'm doing and how so much worse it could be.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Having a Moodi Mumma evening...

As I attempt to start this post I can hear the patter of little feet on my (in desperate need of a mop but I can't be stuffed) lino, followed by a little giggle as I choose to ignore it.... So i turn around to be greeted by a cheeky grin and some fluttering eye lashes, Loo (the terror) knows the way to soften Mumma's heart. BUT!! Mumma has had a long afternoon and is OVER it!!

I ask Loo '"What are you doing?" and receive the cute little "nuffiiing" and my response of , "Well you should be doing 'nothing' in bed!". Who is this person?? I sound like ...... a Moodi Mumma!! How did I bloody well get here? Making the comments I would have rolled my eyes at a few years ago!
So I pick Loo up and carry her back to bed as she screams at me "no bed....I want medicine!!", and here comes another Moodi Mumma award winning reply of "the only medicine you need is sleep!!" Uughh

Of course moments after sitting back down to blog, I hear the footsteps again and pretty much all of the above is repeated. This time with Loo's usual bed-time-delaying-tactics of demanding a "book" and then a "rink". Watching her drink her 'rink', she doesn't take her eyes off me and her eyes are glittering with mischief as she can see Mumma getting impatient. As my heart is pounding in my chest - a sure sign this Mumma is gonna lose it - I tell her "that's enough" and she just giggles behind her drink bottle and keeps sipping. Finally she hands the bottle back over and as I put it on the shelf she has the nerve to say "more!". We battle it out and I at the end of my rope give in and say "last one" (typical Mother words) and am repeated in her cutest most innocent little voice.

So I make it back to my desk and sit down to yet again hear foot steps as I whirl around ready to fire, it's Moo, informing me of her decision to go to the toilet. Holding back the venomous "Just GO then!!", I manage an "OK baby girl" which of course gives her the opening to come back in for a chat on her return!! Of course no sooner is Moo back in bed Loo is back in here and playing with my computer chair...... Aaaaggghhh so I try the whole ignoring her thing until she looks up at me with those big blue eyes and says "Mumma?? I wanna cuggle". She melts my heart a little, but I can't keep letting her know she has it over me. So picking her up I say "You can have a cuddle on the way back to bed...... No book, No Drink! Just BED!" of course she starts crying in my shoulder over the injustice of not getting a 6th book to take to bed tonight. I leave her pointing at the bookshelf and screaming "BOOK!!".

Knowing the way I left her wouldn't be the end of it, she came in yet again, I picked her straight up, cuddled her and without a word put her into bed..."rink please mum".... and of course I give in. Now content I'm sure in knowing she has yet again wound Mumma around her little finger, she is laying in her bed singing. While I on the other hand slump in my chair at the realisation that I haven't even managed to blog about what I came in here to and have spent a whole post dribbling on with my Moodi Mumma crap!!

Aaaahh Thanks to anyone who actually made it to the bottom of this post,

The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.

  (Submissions close in 1d 3h 17m)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just like Mum did....

When I was growing up our family didn't have much money, but my parents did the best they could and my brother and I appreciated everything we got.

Things aren't a great deal different today in my little family ~ The Woodi Family ~ we don't have a great deal of money (although thanks to Woodi that is constantly improving) and my 3 girls appreciate what they get.

One of my favorite childhood memories were the rare occasions we would come home from school and Mumma had managed to buy us some new clothes (socks, jocks, pj's it didn't matter what). We would walk into our rooms to do our after-school jobs and be greeted with the new items presented neatly on our beds :o)

I had the pleasure of doing the same for Moo & Boo one day last week... I got home and layed out on the bed the new clothes and the new school lunch bag I had gotten them. I couldn't wait to pick them up from school and see if they too would be excited to find the unexpected gifts.

Moo's Bed

The girls and I got home and it took them forever to finally go into their room to put away their school bags and shoes and pick out clothes for the afternoon!! But when they did, I saw all the love and excitement I'm sure my Mumma would have. 

Boo's Bed

It was so nice to do something that for me still holds happy memories... Just like Mumma did.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Project at the Woodi household

During the warmer months of Spring and Summer our little family enjoy eating alfresco. We move our dining table out onto the back deck and eat our breakky, lunch and dinner. This also helped us with the expansion of the kids toy collection as we converted the dining room into a play area.

Unfortunately we were away when some really bad weather hit and left our dining setting looking like this...


Woodi and I had been talking for ages about getting the chairs recovered due to sticky little fingers and all that goes with having 3 young kids. This just took away the luxury of waiting til we were ready or had the money to spend on getting it done. AND we were in no position to go snap up a new one...

So we set out to do it ourselves, Woodi took apart one cushion so that we could make a stencil of the shape and amount of material needed. It was at this stage we realised it wasn't going to be a quick and easy job like we 1st thought.

We headed off to Spotlight and picked out some nice vinyl that would be easy to clean off those sticky little finger prints and spills. Roll in hand and 3 very tired kiddies in tow we headed home to get dinner started and kiddies to bed so we could get stuck into our not-so-little project.

We created a bit of a production line, I cut out the vinyl patterns,

 Woodi unscrewed the cushions from the seats.
He then pried up the staples and I pulled them out with pliers.

Then came the challenge of stapling the vinyl on and folding it to look neat and without wrinkles, the end result was far from perfect, but good enough for us :o)

The next challenge was to reclaim the dining area, we tossed up the idea of putting our 3 girls in the same room again and making Loo's room a play/toy room. We decided instead on a compromise, a shared space, in our little home there aren't that many options. Here is what we ended up with...

A successful Woodi household project I'd say :o)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

That sinking feeling...

So I suffer from depression.... I am on a pretty high dose of anti-depressants and after a change of medication and experimental doses I have been doing pretty good. Really good actually!!

So why this sinking feeling today? Why the feeling that I'm sliding down into that deep dark whole and I can't grip on to stop the fall?? Been racking my brain today trying to figure out what the trigger is....

And then I found it,

And how often is it not about him?

About my "Daddy Issues"?

So here it is. My Birthday was on the 1st of May (you may have read this post), after lunch some time (I'm guessing as an after-thought or a result of being reminded by one of my siblings) I get a text from my arsehole father...
"Happy Birthday Chick, we'll catch up soon xox"

Today is the 14th of May and I am going to my cousins engagement party. I have no doubt my spermdonor Father will be there and of course he will do his usual "World's Best Dad" gig. Will he realise that it has been 2 weeks since my Birthday, that he hasn't made contact with me? That the last time we were together or he contacted me was when he put on a lunch for my younger Brother back on the 4th of April and the time before that when I visited him for his own Birthday in the beginning of Feb?? Will it occur to him that "catching up soon" only happened a lot sooner than someone more important's Birthday because my cousin is having an Engagement Party??
My guess....




Am I feeling sorry for myself? Probably. Would it bother you?

I am on a downward spiral because I am seeing the one person who can make me feel completely and utterly worthless tonight and he will rub salt into my ever gaping wounds because as always the only effort he ever makes for or about me is in the eye of the public, making me feel like an even bigger joke.

Seriously the day I make any of my girls feel like this is the day I'll...............


The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your blog URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.

  (Submissions close in 1d 3h 23m)
Link tool by inlinkz.com

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What would you do?

A couple of weeks back Moo got invited to a Birthday Party, Boo didn't get invited. Before the invite even made it home, Moo & Boo's teachers figured Boo hadn't been invited and approached the mum to ask her if she was aware she had invited one twin and not the other. She of course didn't, was mortified and let them know she  would bring an invite in for Boo the next day and to let me know she was invited.

When I arrived to pick the girls up from Kindy, Moo's teacher informed me on what was going on. I was touched that the teachers took the matter and Boo's feelings into their own hands and sorted it all out for me. It was really kind and very unexpected. I'm also very touched that the Mum went out of her way to make room for Boo and reacted in such a generous and thoughtful way. Woodi (hubby) and I have talked about this scenario before, we're aware that it would happen eventually and that we would just have to find the best way of dealing with it. Not everyone can be expected to invite both girls, especially if they are only friends with one! But we were relieved and thankful we didn't have to deal with it just yet!!

So.... being that this party was at Lollipops (one of those indoor playground/party places) and the other Mum had to pay extra for Boo to come, I made sure I was generous with the gifts and gave individual ones from both the girls. I thought they were separate invitations, the Mum was paying to have both the girls there, so it was only fair. The Mum picked up on this and informed me that I didn't have to get 2 lots of presents, but I told her I felt it was the right thing to do & I was very grateful she went out of her way to accommodate us.

NOW... here lies my Dilemma the girls have both been invited to another 2 parties this weekend (one Sat & one Sun). I don't know if they were both invited to each originally or if exceptions were once again made, both the parties are at the kids homes. My Mumma told me not to go buying all these kids 2 lots of presents... but I did. Truth is it's costing me a fortune, but I'm just not sure what the etiquette is??? Am I setting a bad precedent or am I doing the right thing? Do I just send my girls with joint gifts in future or one each?
If I keep buying 2 presents each time I may have to put a limit on the parties the girls attend.... then again I'm wondering by giving out a present each will the word get out and will it help with the problem of the girls both being invited to parties??

Ahh my head is in a spin, my pockets are empty and I wanna know... What would you do??

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Giving Thanks

Today I want to say THANK YOU....

Thank you for the three smiling faces that greeted me this morning ~ while I was internally grumbling for a little more sleep ~ they were so excited to smother me with love, hugs and kisses and show me the presents they were sooooo proud of picking at the school stall.

Thank you for the amazing husband who had gotten up earlier than I and held off the very eager threesome from lavishing Mumma with their excitement earlier than they did!

Thank you that I have my hubby with me, that he cares enough about me to do these little acts of love and kindness. Thank you that my hubby cares enough about those three beautiful girls who were bumbling with joy & love to wake Mumma a little earlier then she would have liked.

Thank you, my gosh, THANK YOU that I have been blessed with those 3 little princesses, so that a day like today has magic, meaning , love and excitement and I do not face pain, loss, emptiness and despair as others do on a day like today.

Thank you that I have a loving and supportive family and network. Thank you that my family open their homes and arms to all of us and provide us with a delicious lunch ~when at home, this Mumma would have been having vegemite sangas..... but hey I'm even thankful that we would have been able to have vegemite sangas~

Thank you that I still have my Mumma and Grams with me and I am not suffering their loss on a day like today, that I still have them to envelope me in their love and warmth. Thank you that I have a Mumma & Grams who love & appreciate a handmade card and wouldn't expect any more even if I could.

Thank you for a beautiful day, a beautiful family and whilst not the perfect one a beautiful, blessed and gifted life. May I also send Love, light and healing to the many others who are not as fortunate as I on a day like today and every other day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...

I have just discovered Yay for Home's  Things I Know Link-in, and all though I may not know much, am tempted to join!

So here is what I know this week:

* I Know there are some amazing blogs out there & I would love mine to be better and to be able to design mine to suit me perfectly.

* I Know that whilst I am getting better at coping with Hubby's shift work and double shifts where we don't see him for days at a time.... there will always be a breaking point. Today it was 4.10pm!

* I Know that whilst Hubby is at work of a night, I'm lucky to have my kids asleep by 9pm even if they are in bed by 7pm!

* I Know that my children showing me the new skills they've learnt at school will never cease to blow my mind.

* I Know that I will always think my children are extra smart, extra special, extra wonderful..... Just coz :o)

* I Know that whilst Loo may be able to last 2-3 hours at school in undies with no accidents, it is unlikely the same will happen at home... as I have also come to know it is not unusual for Loo to request undies, only to poo in them moments later.

* I Know that when I send Loo to care on Monday, more often than not by Wednesday she is sick followed by  Moo & Boo on Thursday & Hubby and I by Friday.... Joy!

* I Know Moo & Boo love having me volunteer at their school and I enjoy doing it for them... even if I'm not used to being on my feet most of the day and my feet and back are killing!!

* I know our dog snores as loud, if not LOUDER than my hubby.... no mean feet!

  (Submissions close in 6d 9h 9m)
Link tool by inlinkz.com

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