Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Beautiful Start to the New Year :o)

We spent NYE at our next door neighbors house, my parents were invited and so the night was spent with family, new friends and people we hadn't met before. It was a fabulous night.

Mum and Dad took the kiddies home with them, so we headed into Mum's at about 10.30 New Years Day. We spent the day swimming, talking, relaxing and enjoying each others company. We enjoyed a lunch of fresh rolls, salad and chicken and topped it off with another dip in the pool before heading home.

Moo & Loo fell asleep on the way home and even though it was 3pm and a bit late for a nap, we put them in bed and got Boo to have one too. Hubby and I ended up falling asleep on the couch in the air-conditioned coolness and we all woke up at around 5pm... which would normally be a huge problem for me as the girls go to bed at 7pm. BUT instead we made the most of the sun still shining bright and hot, we took some nibblies and drinks out the back, set up the sprinkler and sandpit in the shade and enjoyed watching the girls play :o)

 Before we knew it 2 wonderful, fun-filled hours had passed and it was time to think about dinner... Hubby cooked some steak and snags on the BBQ whilst the kiddies played some more and I knocked up some salad and sides. We ate dinner out on the deck and enjoyed the last hour of sunlight. Moo, Boo & Loo wound down with a bath and then slept soundly..... not waking up til 8am, LOVELY!!!!

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